In Defense of The Genre by Say Anything

God…I love this band. I’ve had a tough time getting into their newer albums, but I respect their creativity and where they’ve been going. They really have a very distinct style. Max Bemis has this incredible voice that sometimes strangely reminds me of Ben Folds-but he’s got this passion behind it that can only be created by his own experiences…which I assume are much different than those of Ben Folds (not that Ben Folds doesn’t have passion, just different).

“In Defense of The Genre” is such a relatable album. It speaks volumes on mental health and letting go of fear/anger to find love again. I remember going to see Say Anything at House of Blues in San Diego a few years after they released this album. When Max spoke a little about these songs, it made them that much more powerful. They are absolutely incredible live. I’ve seen them perform now a hand full of times, and every time I am so pleased that I went.


Blue Sky Noise by Circa Survive

You may have noticed that I did not follow through with my second year of musical appreciation. Unfortunately, video blogging is just not something I am very passionate about… It was also consuming way too much of my time!

I am, however, still listening to albums…and I love it so. Proving that the challenge was successful in bringing me back to enjoying the “art” of an album.

“Blue Sky Noise” by Circa Survive is fairly new to me despite being released in 2010. I was introduced to them my senior year of high school. It was their first album “Juturna” that I fell in love with. Anthony Green‘s alien voice full of passion and poetry.

“Blue Sky Noise” certainly isn’t as raw as “Juturna”, but that passion and poetry is still there.

My two favorites:

Dyed in the Wool & Strange Terrain.